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desain ke dalam bentuk implementasi, terutama untuk desain yang menggunakan abstraksi class. Fokus pembahasan pada aspek pembentukan obyek (construction) sebuah class, dan proses sebaliknya pada saat obyek tersebut sudah tidak digunakan lagi (destruction).
Deklarasi dan Definisi
Deklarasi dan definisi adalah langkah awal dalam setiap penulisan program tidak terkecuali dalam bahasa C++. Deklarasi dan definisi diperlukan untuk semua tipe data termasuk tipe data bentukan user (user-defined type).




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Parameterization of 3D mesh data is important for many graphics and mesh processing applications, in particular for texture mapping, remeshing and morphing. Closed, manifold, genus-0 meshes are topologically equivalent to a sphere, hence this is the natural parameter domain for them. Parameterizing a 3D triangle mesh onto the 3D sphere means assigning a 3D position on the unit sphere toeach of the mesh vertices, such that the spherical triangles induced by the mesh connectivity do notoverlap. This is called a spherical triangulation. In this paper we formulate a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the spherical angles of the spherical triangles for them to form a spherical triangulation. We formulate and solve an optimization procedure to produce spherical triangulations which reflect the geometric properties of a given 3D mesh in various ways.
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OverviewAjax, the popular term for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is one of the most important combinations of technologies for web developers to know these days. With its rich grouping of technologies, Ajax developers can create interactive web applications with XML-based web services, using JavaScript in the browser to process the web server response. Taking complete advantage of Ajax, however, requires something more than your typical "how-to" book. What it calls for is Ajax Hacks from O'Reilly. This valuable guide provides direct, hands-on solutions that take the mystery out of Ajax's many capabilities. Each hack represents a clever way to accomplish a specific task, saving you countless hours of searching for the right answer.

A smart collection of 100 insider tips and tricks, Ajax Hacks covers all of the technology's finer points. Want to build next-generation web applications today? This book can show you how. Among the multitude of topics addressed, it shows you techniques for:
Using Ajax with Google Maps and Yahoo Maps
Displaying Weather.com data
Scraping stock quotes
Fetching postal codes
Building web forms with auto-complete functionality